<aside> 👋 Session Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1P-Xq6GvR6D7ilnEFmj49LEkU6LBDwcBlW9MuOjl4N6o/edit?usp=sharing


Fundraising Bootcamp Understanding Deal Terms.mp4

https://near-foundation.zoom.us/rec/share/AQE86JJ3gVRN-AIhagzcbL0Y9MZoB2sg4JTDRJ4FGQ9SkLUPDfSUbpPdBVo6UE0M.zQL4Tb8KU8w3OKvb?startTime=1698253468000 Passcode: d%9KPdT9

Overview: This module will provide an overview of standard deal terms in a venture financing deal. We'll delve into an in-depth exploration of a term sheet and its key clauses, sharing tactics and strategies for effective negotiations with investors.

Weekly Objectives:

Session Breakdown:

  1. Introduction to Deal Terms: Overview of standard deal terms in a venture financing deal.
  2. Understanding Term Sheets: In-depth exploration of a term sheet and its key clauses.
  3. Negotiating Strategies: Tactics and strategies for effective negotiations with investors.


Post-Session Outcomes:

<aside> 👉 We will conduct a role-play session that simulates negotiation between founders and potential investors. This will allow you to practice your negotiation skills in a safe and supportive environment, helping you to prepare for real-world negotiations.


Session Pre-Read: Understanding the Term Sheet